
EventDrivenProgramming: Introduction, Tutorial, History

In The Beginning - Transaction Analysis (开始-事务分析)

Dataflow Diagrams (数据流图)

Structure Charts (结构图)

The Handlers Design Pattern (处理程序设计模式)

The Headless Handlers Pattern (无头处理程序模式)

The Extended Handlers Pattern (扩展处理程序模式)

The Event Queue (事件队列)

Some Examples of the Handlers Pattern (处理程序-举例)

Objects (对象)

System (系统)

Client-Server Architecture (客户端-服务器架构)

Messaging Systems (消息系统)

Frameworks (框架)

Object-Oriented Event-Driven Programming (面向对象事件驱动编程)

Frameworks (框架)

SAX - an example of a framework (框架举例-SAX)

Why programming with a framwork is hard (为什么用框架编程很难)

GUI programming (GUI编程)

Why GUI programming is hard (为什么GUI编程很难)

The Observer Pattern (观察者模式)

Event Objects (事件对象)

The Registered Handlers pattern in GUI applications (GUI应用程序中的“注册处理程序”模式)

Registering Event-Handlers in Python - "Binding" (Pyhton中的注册事件处理程序-“绑定”)

Registering Event-Handlers in Java - "listeners" (Java中的注册事件处理程序-“监听”)

Callback programming (回调编程)

GUI programming - summary (GUI编程-概要)

Maintaining State (维持状态)

Rejection invalid transactions (拒绝无效事务)

State Machines (状态机)

Coding a Finite State Machine 1 (编写一个有限状态机1)

Coding a Finite State Machine 2 (编写一个有限状态机2)

Way to remember state (记住状态的方法)

Conlusion (结尾)